LVM 12C model outdoor series FrameLED manufactured by ЕКТА Company.
model LVM 12C outdoor series FrameLED manufactured by ЕКТА Company.
Module type LVM 12C-S
Display size Display sizes can vary multiple to module dimensions
Module dimensions, m 0.387 x 0.387 х 0.086
Pixel density, pixel/m² 6,855
Pixel pitch, mm 12.08
Minimum viewing distance, m 14
Module resolution, pixel 32х32
Number of LEDs in pixel 1 (RGB: 3 in 1)
LED type and supplier SMD type, 4.0 x 4.5 mm; Nichia
Color processing, bit 16
Colors up to 281 trillion (48 bit)
Viewing angle horizontal/vertical 150°/150°
Maximum brightness, NIT 7,000
Maximum calibrated brightness, NIT 6,000
Refresh rate, Hz 600 - 32,000
Lifetime > 100,000 hours (> 11.5 years 24/7)
Operating temperature from -30° С to +40° С;
Power supply (single phase voltage) 220 V +15% -60%; 50 - 60 Hz
Power supply (three phase voltage)* 380 V +10% -15%; 50 Hz
Power consumption, W/m² (average, maximum, with calibrated brightness 6,000 NIT and Т = 6,500°K) 300
Module weight, kg 6
Display weight, kg/m² 37.5